I hardly dare say it. But a month ago I thought it might be easy to pick up inline skating. How hard could it be? I’ve done this before! Only forgotten ‘a bit’ that this was ages ago (25 years, ouch 😕) and those wheels sometimes seem to have a mind of their own. “Where is my control over where I want to go?” were one of my thoughts the first few sessions. But I’m getting better, and my confidence is growing. Certainly not there yet! But happy to share the best tips which have gotten me this far 💛
Go as much as you can
Googling tips for myself I came across posts called “learn to roller skate in less then 24 Hours”. Fortunately, it soon became clear that it is about 24 hours, not 1 day. The host also indicates that you can learn the basics with 7 days of skating for 3,5 hours. You’re not going pro in 7 day guys. And that’s it: learning how to skate is to go and practice as much as you can. Preferably every day, which is my experience. Even after a few weeks inline skating, skipping one or more days I’m noticing a setback with my posture and balance. However 3,5 hours is defenitely not possible for me – I’ve got a job and a family who wants to see me now and then – even going 30 minutes is better then nothing.
And when your stamina gets better, maybe it’s an idea to skate “functional” routes. I try to skate to my work when it’s possible. Covering a few kilometers in a smart way: I have to keep speed to get to work on time. And when I’m done at the end of the day, I’ve already done my part.
Most important tip already for this blogpost: try to skate everyday, at least every other day. Challenge yourself with different excercises (curves, speed, braking, obstacles etc.) to keep it interesting.
Confidence = Key
As a beginner inline skating can be hard, really hard. But saying things to yourself like “I’m never going to learn this”, “I hope no one is watching me” or “I look stupid” is never going to help you. And even worse: being afraid of other people commenting you.
Be confident, although this could be feeling fake. As an example this short video I really like on Instagram has a great attitude 👇
How important self-confidence is, I also learn from my kid (other way around hey!). How easy he falls and gets up every time without getting angry. But keeps smiling and keeps going 💚
Posture is everything
I think I have checked all the posture faults you can make:
- Staring to the ground
- Leaning backwards
- Bending my knees, but “squad-like” 👉 we’re not at the gym!
- Using my arms in a wrong way, skating in pace
However it could be logical to watch the ground, it makes a strange bending posture, not good for balance. And yes, you have to look out for irregularities like rocks, bad sidewalk or twigs (see next paragraph). But try this by looking forward.
The squad tip I got from the instructor during a short course a month ago. By squatting I was also leaning backwards. No good. You have to bend your knees but put pressure on your shins. Although this may be feeling falling forwards – especially doing this going downhill in a bike-tunnel – this gives more control. And control = less falling = yay!
Do hard things
Having to admit I really like a clean smooth asphalt road. But after a while I have to confront myself with obstacles. And I don’t know about you, but my first obstacles are in front of my house: bad pavement, well grates and uneven asphalt.

The loose tiles and grates, you can avoid these. Please avoid the grates, or at least approach the slots crosswise.. I can only imagine the horror when you get stuck with speed. But especially the uneven asphalt – that gives me a feeling on my feet of a Thai massage went wrong – I don’t like. But being able to skate where I want to skate (the clean asphalt heaven 🌞) I have to go through these. Plus, I think if I can tackle these bad guys, eventually I get more confident and my skills can improve further.
That’s why from day one I didn’t decide to bike or walk to skate-heaven, but I putting them skates on at home. Saying to myself “you can do this MrsFaber!!!” and let’s make victory🔥